Tuesday, 1 March 2016

Filming Schedule

We managed to film our trailer in 5 sessions, each focussing on different aspects of the trailer. 

Session 1:
The aim behind this session was more to get ideas and tests shots, but the success of the session meant that we decided to use quite a few of the shots in our trailer. The session lasted an hour, and was filmed at around 7am when the sun was just rising. 
We filmed in the car, so that we could get some beautiful light shots through the windscreen of the car. I also filmed some shots of Jordan on the footpath in the sunrise, we created some amazing lighting and the perfect atmosphere for our trailer. 

Session 2:

In our second session, we filmed the underwater shots using a go pro after school. We knew we only had a few hours before it would get too dark, but this worked to our advantage, as the sun was low enough to create some defined lighting underwater. We filmed at my Granny's swimming pool, as not only would we have private access, but she has a dome over the pool, which meant it wasn't too cold to film, the location wasn't given away, and it let the right amount of light in. 

Session 3:

We filmed the majority of our scenes on October 30th, and began the day at 7.30am in order to get the perfect morning lighting. We also filmed in the prime of autumn as the colouring of the trees helped to enhance our aesthetics. We began filming the montage shots on the footpath, as the outdoor lighting was at its best. I then drove the group back to my house, where we filmed the sequence in the woods, as well as the car scene and the argument scene in the kitchen. We filmed each scene as if it was the whole scene of a film, so that the most dramatic bits could be used, and we gathered many excess shots for a wider choice when it came to editing. 

Session 4:
We also filmed the bonfire scene after school, however we filmed during the winter, and therefore it got darker earlier, and left us with more hours to film. We created a fire pit and used sparklers, and experimented for a long time with different shots, giving us a large amount of footage that we could use.

 Session 5: 
This session was quite unplanned, but we decided to film some more filler shots for the breakdown sequence, including close-ups of Jordan, and her getting angry at the situation. 

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