Tuesday, 16 February 2016

Audience Feedback

After we had finished the first draft of our trailer, we had a feedback session where fellow media students watched our trailer and filled out these forms. The top picture shows what our main improvements were and how many people agreed followed by some examples of our forms. In total, we received 19 feedback forms which helped us greatly.

In addition, once our trailer was completed, we posted a survey on our Facebook page to see what our audience thought of our trailer. This was the response to the last question.
By posting our trailer on our Facebook page, we were also able to get feedback through the comment feature. 

Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Behind The Scenes: Bonfire

Here are some stills from our session of filming the bonfire scenes. These scenes were really great to shot and tested our knowledge on alteration camera exposure and aperture in order to allow the correct amount of light into the camera to allow the shot to look professional, and to create the romantic atmosphere which is pertinent in the montage sequence where these shots were featured. 

Tuesday, 2 February 2016


This is the first draft of our trailer. After gaining some feedback from our peers, our next steps are going to be:

1) Refining the sound levels
2) Changing some of the filters and their levels

Certificate Rating

Image result for bbfc
According to BBFC, as a group, we feel the most appropriate rating to give our trailer would be a 15.

The implication of domestic abuse in our trailer would make it unsuitable for children under the age of 15, as they may find it upsetting and parents may feel it is unsuitable for them. There is also an underlying tone of threat and violence, again, making it unsuitable for children under the age of 15. It would also be likely that bad language and sexual references would be included in our film, although these are not shown in the trailer.