Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Filming Equipment

We used a GoPro Hero 4 Silver to film our underwater footage. It was very easy to create clear shots that we could then edit to create the dramatic scene.

The rest of our filming was shot on a Canon EOS 600D DSLR camera. The settings allowed us to change the shutter speed and alter the exposure and aperture, as well as the focus to create professional looking footage. We set the shutter speed to 50, which was around double the frames per second (24) as this is the recommended setting to create cinematic footage. 

We used a tripod to stabilise some of the footage in order to create a contrast to the handheld footage.

Friday, 6 November 2015


We used Celtx to put together our storyboard, as it allowed us to clearly organise the different frames chronologically, as well as select the type of shot, description of action in the frame and the length of the shot. 

Thursday, 5 November 2015


We put together the storyboard using the software Celtx, as it enabled us to clearly order the shots and add text to describe the shots and also add a suggestion to the time limit

Monday, 2 November 2015

Mood Board/Video

Instead of creating a mood board, we decided to collect some footage and create a montage that would reflect the feeling that we want the film to create. It is likely we will use some of this footage in our final trailer, and the song used in this montage ('Magic Trick' by Jack Burns) is the song we will use in our trailer.